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Inga registrerade bestigningar för ?? Variation to Murdock.
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?, 6A
Sittstart with sidepulls, catch to crimp. FA?
?? Variation to Murdock, 7A
A-Team, 7C
Start low on two crimps. Main line of the impressive Diss-blocket.
Catcher in the Ry, 7C
Standing start. Topout is cleaned.
Catcher in the Ry (low), 7C+
Lågstart till catcher med båda händerna på det bra greppet under överhänget/taket.
Costa del sol, 6A+
Il Padrino, 7C
Starts on holds at the back of the roof as for A-Team, climb out right squeezing the features. Joins A-Team again at the top.
Murdock, 6C+
Sitstart, a couple moves to the top.
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