Förstasidan Rödmossen The Edge (2 to 4 m) The Nudge The Nudge, 6A+ Hantera Ange koordinater Ange stig Lägg till fototopo för sektorn Lägg till bild Lägg till film Registrera bestigning Lägg till i min att göra-lista Offlinelagra problemet Töm offlinelagring sit start
Kommentarer Skicka Prenumerera på nya kommentarer Du måste logga in för att kunna kommentera. Bestigningar Inga registrerade bestigningar för The Nudge. Registrera bestigning Problem i denna sektor Claudia's Comeback, 5 sit start, includes good grip two thirds up Coming from Down Under, 7A Sit start under the roof with your feet on the cliff (not on the little ledge), then continue into Dimitri's Fall. Dimitri's Backpack, 6B sit start, excludes good grip used in "Claudia's Comeback", layback using almost vertical crimp instead Dimitri's Fall, 6C Sit start with start grip just above the roof. Laura's Layback, 6A sit start The Blodge, 6A+ sit start The Dodge, 6B+ sit start The Dredge, 6A The Fridge, 6A sit start The Fudge, 7A sit start, don't use the wall on the right The Fudge light, 6B sit start with mantle on wall to the right The Grudge, 6C sit start, don't use wall on the right! The Ledge, 6B+ sit start The Lodge, 6C sit start The Nudge, 6A+ sit start The Pledge, 5+ sit start The Wedge, 6B+ sit start Vegemite Sandwich, 6C sit start from undercling Sektorer i detta område Beyond the edge (3 m) Shark Nose (2 to 3 m) Silvia's Block (3 to 4 m) The Edge (2 to 4 m) Vitek's block (2 m)