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Problem i denna sektor
Conny, 6C+
Cp-barn, 7A+
Sit start. Without the drilled hole.
Cp-barn variant, 6C+
Sit start. With the drilled hole.
Fettot från ghettot, 6A+
Crouch start on crimpers.
Fruktstund, 7A
Gatubarn, 6C
Jugfest, 7C
L'estradska, 5+
Lik och barn leker bäst, 6A
The crack to the left by the big tree. Sit start.
Manali Cream, 6C+
Middagslur, 6A
Minala cream, 6C+
Start in an undercling.
Power pull, 7A
Only the crack for the hands.
Provat, 3+
Soromio, 5
Sit start.
Spontanjäst, 4+
Traktor pull, 6B+
Sitstart with one hand in the crack and the other on the edge to the left.
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