Inga registrerade bestigningar för Crack Arete.
?, 5+
Sds to the right and top out att highest point.
Areten, 5
sds on the ground next to the stone, climb up to big jug where the line ends
Brommatraversen, 7A
Brommatraversen extension, 7A+
The traverse starts on the completely left of the boulder reaching the start of Brommatraversen and continuing on it. Really cool connection with in total 20 moves.
Butt Naked in a Lamborghini, 6C
SDS on stone in large side pull, straight up via 2 crimps, jug in the crack of brommatraversen is eliminated as are the jugs of embrace oblivian to the right
Château Gruneau, 6B+
sds, match both hands on jug where the line starts. Go to jug straight above and then dyno to letterbox and top out
Chocolate salty balls, 6B
Chocolate Salty Tits, 6B
Start in chocolate salty balls, finish up ont eller svart
Crack Arete, 4+
SDS left arete of the crack
Crack Crimper, 6B+
SDS LH undercut, RH pinch, go up via the thin crack to the right and the crimp in the centre of the face
Dynamic butt start, 6C+
sds on stone
El Cabra, 7B
El Matador, 7A
El toro, 7C
Embrace oblivion, 6A+
sds on the rock on the two lowest sidepulls
Gaston Problem, 6A
Start in 2 undercuts, then up to RH gaston, then lip
Glatt barna sinne, 5
Handcrack, 5
Harvestman, 6A
SDS, LH undercut, RH pinch
Kneebar station, 6A
Kylskåpet, 5
Köttbulle, 5
SDS on the low rock (the other small blocks are eliminated) climb over the small bulge
Letterboxes, 6A
Major Groove, 6B
SDS on the stone move up via sidepulls and a couple of crimps
Minor Groove, 5+
SDS pa hyllan, ej hoger eller vanster kanten
One Armed Bandit, 6B+
RH good hold just below the lip, LH small undercut, dyno to lip
Ont eller svårt, 6A
sds, något lättare med handjam
Rakt upp, 5
Rising Traverse, 3+
Starke Staffan, 7B
Svaet, 4
Traversen, 6C
Undercutz, 5
start in undercuts, go up right to sidepull then top
Vattenslipat, 5+
Vågor, 5+
Warm-up Traverse, 4
SDS up the arete then traverse the lower ledge topping out at the crack