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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Hörnan Agda.
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Problem i denna sektor
Alfons Småberg, 3+
Sit start. Standalone boulder right next to the wall in sector 2.
Arete Franklin, 3+
Sit start.
Ben Triller, 4
Bison, 6A
Standalone boulder10 m from the wall in sector 2.
Brad Split, 4
Harry Spotter, 4
Hippo, 3+
Sit start
Hörnan Agda, 3+
Jack Block, 3+
Dont use the edge on the right side of the block
Jennifer Sloperz, 3+
Sit start.
Lionel Reachy, 4
Purcaria, 4+
sit start, both hands on the good hold
Sista minuten, 3+
Stålmansdräkt, 3+
Sit start. Lay back. Hands on right side of the crack only. When the crack ends use the block to the left to climb out.
Två dåliga, 6A
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